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Pending adoption

Meet Misty. She is a beautiful 10 month old Maltipoo❤️Yes, she is hypoallergenic and doesn't shed. She weighs aprox 10-12 lbs. She is scheduled to be spayed on 9/17/24, and once I have her exact weight I'll update it here. She will also be current on all vaccines, microchipped, thourely examined, and cleared by our vet prior to adoption.

She is crate trained, and currently sleeps in a crate at night. She also uses her crate to nap in during the day, if she isn't napping on a dog bed around our home instead. She is house trained, and does very well going outside but does like to be accompanied when outdoors. She is young, but was raised by an older couple who doted on her every need, so she had become acclimated to having someone with her.

Leash training is brand new, as that's one thing that was never introduced in her prior home, and coming to us in Summer with the extreme heat we have been experiencing, we haven't been able to work with her on the leash the way we would have liked to. It has been introduced to her, but will definitely need to be worked on in her next home so that she can build the confidence she needs to really enjoy all that leash time brings ❤️

She is wonderful with ALL dogs, and cats alike. She is VERY sweet, and VERYf docile. If you have another dog in your home that is equally calm, and loving then she would love to have a friend. If you don't have any other dogs, that's okay too, as she truly is happy being the center of one's world the way she was with her last owners. Do not let her age deter you, as she truly is naturally peaceful, and enjoys a more relaxing lifestyle for sure 💕

She is shy when she firsts meets anyone new, but truly is wonderful with men, women, and children alike. Her tail wags say it all as that's one thing she doesn't contain very well ☺️ Happiness is part of who she is, and once she knows you are there to add to her joy, that's when her personality comes to light.

She has wonderful house manners, and while curious hasnt ever chewed or gotton into anything she isn't supposed to. She loves her treats, and always patiently waits for them throughout the day. Milk bones, and dehydrated liver have been her favorite since with us. She is wonderful at our groomers, and enjoys her spay days ❤️ She is a great traveler too so if you would like to have a sweet friend to enjoy your trips with, she would happily be that friend ❤️

She is not a barker, but will communicate with you when she wants something, or doesn't like something 🙃 For example, we gave her a treat one day she didn't like, and placed it back on the ground and proceeded to "tell us" that we needed to replace it with something more appeasing to her appetite 🤷‍♀️

We, of course obliged, and she was one happy girl afterwards 🤣 So, yes, she is a very smart and clever girl ☺️

Her adoption fee is set at 1500, which will cover her spay, vaccines, microchip/registration, exam with our vet, grooming costs, time, care, and training since with us. If anything in addition is needed such as a dental cleaning, in-heat spay, additional antibiotics/medication, etc. then additional costs will be added to her adoption fee to help offset what's been done. She will be 100 percent vetted, and cleared prior to adoption ♥️


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