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Meet Belle ❤️ She is a 3 year old, purebred, red moyan size standard poodle. She weighs 28 lbs, and is full grown. She may have a few pounds to put on, but nothing major, as she truly is at a healthy weight as is. She is spayed, current on vaccines, microchipped, had a dental cleaning, had both ears examined/plucked/cleaned/and treated for double ear infections, and had an overall general exam from our vet who has offically cleared her to find a home all her own ❤️

Belle was not treated very well in her prior home, and was very neglected 😢 She feared human touch, and would run circles around us when she first arrived. We have put ALOT of work into getting her to trust us, so that we could help her settle as much as possible to be able to get to this point of our vet taking over, and finally being able to treat her. We did not want to put her under anesthesia while she was stressed out, so we waited, not knowing the depth of how bad her ear infections were in which were causing her extreme discomfort and pain, and although she had learned to live life unloved, and uncared for we made a vow to make sure she never felt that way again, and we are praying that the special soul that finds our sweet Belle will also have the same determination, and love that we had for her to help her to continue to grow, and blossom into the beautiful girl she IS. We have seen it, and experienced it so TRUST us, it's there ❤️

With that said, YES, we are looking for a VERY special human, who understands the importance of rescue, and the work and dedication it takes in comitting to a dog that doesn't come "ready made to fit their life." But one that is in NEED of a place in your heart, so that she can one day, become a vital member in the life you create with her ❤️

She is NOT mean by any means. She truly is the sweetest soul I have ever met. We have sat with her, and held her in our arms loving her in any way she allowed us to. While scared, and unsure of our intentions, she never moved. She didn't know love, but definitely felt the power of it with our family here, and that I'm certain of.

She is PHENOMENAL with ALL dogs, and cats alike. Does she need to be in a home with another dog? No, I don't believe she does at all. If you have another sweet, confident, loving animal, then she would be just fine with that as well. What she needs most is love, and the more love the better ❤️

She is crate trained, as that was her safe place when she first came, and has continued to be her place of comfort at night, or while napping during the day. She is not leash trained, as that's something we have not introduced to her at all. One, the heat has been extreme. And second, she just wasn't ready to take on the world. But, one day we are confident she will. Again, patience is key.

Anyone that has been blessed to have been loved by a poodle, knows the depth of their hearts, and to bare witness to one stripped of everything that makes this breed great, was absolutely devastating to us. We adore this breed, and have worked with so many in our years of rescue, and while this hasn't been our worst neglect case, it definitely nears the top of them.

Now, Belle is WONDERFUL, even if she doesn't believe that yet, WE DO. And we are confident she will conquer the road ahead, and slowly but surely take back what was taken from her and become everything that she should have become if she had the right humans from the start.

She has been acclimated to our groomer, and has been doing very well with her.

Car rides around town, have been going very well.

She understands the concept of outside, and will go outside when asked to. We haven't had any accidents with her in months, and zero in the crate from the beginning.

She is very curious, and is starting to realize the yummy smells that come from the kitchen, so yes, we have discovered how even in the midst of keeping her distance especially in the beginning, her "sniffer" definitely worked its magic all the way to her tummy ❤️

She is very quiet. Doesn't bark. We have however heard her howl, in the beginning when she was scared, but as far as barking there hasn't been any issues there.

She is very well mannered in the home.

There is a poodle inside of her, and she is starting to act like one more and more each day.

We love her, and want the best for this sweet soul so please help us help her find her the home and human/humans she deserves moving forward!

Her vetting and care have been GREAT and exceed what we are asking for in her adoption fee.

Her adoption fee will cover all vetting mentioned above, the care associated with the time she has been with us, her grooming costs, and training we have personally worked with her on.

Adoption fee is set at 2000.


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